Portion erosion

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Classification according to ICD-10
N86 chronic cervical erosion
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

A Portioerosion - composed of the Latin portio ("part", "part") and erodere, erosus ("gnaw", "gnawed off"); Synonyms : cervical erosion , erosio vera - is a superficial, genuine epithelial defect of the cervix , which is a so-called unclear colposcopic finding.

If the capillaries (the smallest blood vessels ) show a regular course, such erosion is interpreted as inflammatory or injury-related ( erosio vera traumatica ) and the finding is described as unsuspicious . If there are irregularities, the suspicion of incipient cervical cancer is expressed.


These injuries mentioned can be the result of sexual intercourse or an inserted tampon or another object inserted into the vagina (including the speculum , during colposcopy, as an iatrogenic cause). Possible underlying infections are genital herpes , early syphilis , or severe vaginal inflammation . A reaction to substances such as those used in so-called chemical contraception is also given as the reason.

In the ICD-10, the finding is also classified as a "chronic portiotransformation zone".

Erosio falsa or Erosio simplex are synonyms for a portioectopy.