Positive encounters

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The Positive Encounters is a self-help conference on living with HIV .


With more than 500 participants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland , it is the largest event of its kind in Europe. It has been held every two years in changing German cities since 1998. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe has been organizing it since 1990 , in cooperation with local AIDS organizations. In 1990, the first federal positive assembly of people with HIV / AIDS took place in Frankfurt am Main under the programmatic motto "positive for autumn - no accountability for passion". Here, for the first time, people with HIV and AIDS from a wide variety of backgrounds (sex workers, drug users, gays, heterosexuals) came together to formulate concrete demands - including political ones - and initiate changes in their own life situation. The 300 or so participants, in working groups that were sometimes set up spontaneously, devoted themselves to, among other things, self-help organizations in health care and nursing, medical research and the criminalization and stigmatization of HIV-positive people and drug users. In 2001 the event took place in Berlin parallel to the 8th German AIDS Congress under the motto “Overcoming Borders” - and for the first time under the name Positive Encounters. From 2006 the Federal Assembly of Relatives and Relatives of People with HIV / AIDS was also integrated.

Working method, tasks and content

The self-help conference Positive Encounters sees itself as a central element of the self-advocacy of people with HIV in German-speaking countries. It is also aimed at relatives and employees of the AIDS service and other experts working in the field of HIV / hepatitis. This is intended to provide multi-faceted discussions on current issues relating to living with HIV. The aim is to advance the further development of self-help and quality assurance in AIDS help. The focal point is the perspective of people with HIV, who are also responsible for the content of the conference. The main objectives of the conference were:

  • Networking of the various self-help groups
  • Identification of important fields of action in life with HIV
  • Strengthening self-representation and participation in prevention work
  • Community building
  • Further training for self-help activists and those active in prevention and counseling
  • Impetus for society to reduce stigmatization and discrimination against people living with HIV

Since 2002 the most important debates and results of the conference have been summarized afterwards in the magazine Life + published by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe .

List of federal positive assemblies and positive encounters (from 2001)

  • 1990 Frankfurt / Main - "A positive autumn - no accountability for passion"
  • 1991 Bonn
  • 1992 Hamburg - "Pearls for the sows!"
  • 1993 Munich
  • 1994 Stuttgart
  • 1995 Cologne
  • 1996 Leipzig
  • 1997 Bremen - "Give life to the years"
  • 1998 Berlin (as part of the AIDS action week "HIV in Dialog")
  • 1999 Nuremberg - "Diverse Unity"
  • 2001 Berlin - "Overcoming Borders"
  • 2002 Bielefeld - "Everything stays different"
  • 2004 Kassel - "Future positive ?!"
  • 2006 Leipzig
  • 2009 Stuttgart
  • 2010 Bielefeld - "We go beyond the scope"
  • 2012 Wolfsburg - "Move - Design - Decide"
  • 2014 Kassel - “We make ourselves strong! And you?"
  • 2016 Hamburg - "Be part of the solution!"

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Axel Schock: Three days in autumn. In: magazin.hiv. September 27, 2015, accessed May 31, 2017 .
  2. ^ Positive encounters at the German AIDS Congress. (PDF) German AIDS Help, accessed on May 31, 2017 (01/2001).
  3. ↑ equality of opportunity in health. Retrieved May 31, 2017 .
  4. Heike Gronski: Let's go: The country needs new topics. In: magazin.hiv. November 15, 2012, accessed May 31, 2017 .
  5. Christoph Kolbe: 'We make ourselves strong! And you?' - “Positive Encounters” in Kassel | IWWIT blog. Accessed May 31, 2017 (German).
  6. Axel Schock: New themed workshops at the start. In: magazin.hiv. September 6, 2014, accessed May 31, 2017 .
  7. Annette Fink: People with HIV: an integral part of the association. In: magazin.hiv. August 1, 2014, accessed May 31, 2017 .
  8. Axel Schock: All together and everyone as he can. In: magazin.hiv. August 22, 2014, accessed May 31, 2017 .
  9. Four exciting days in words and pictures: “Positive Encounters” 2010 in Bielefeld . In: German AIDS Help . January 10, 2011 ( aidshilfe.de [accessed May 31, 2017]).
  10. Overview of the published editions. German AIDS Help, accessed on May 31, 2017 .
  11. "Positive in the fall - no accountability for passion". (PDF) In: AIDS Forum DAH special volume. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe eV, 1990, accessed on May 31, 2017 .
  12. Axel Schock: Three days in autumn. September 27, 2015, accessed May 31, 2017 .
  13. kk: Criticism: AIDS patients poorly cared for . the daily newspaper, Bremen August 27, 1997, p. 17 .
  14. Michael Lenz (ed.): "Give life to the years". 8th Federal Positive Assembly of German AIDS Aid " . German AIDS Aid eV, Berlin 1997.
  15. ^ Positive encounters at the German AIDS Congress . No. 01/2001 . German AIDS Help, Berlin 2001, p. 1 .
  16. HIV & More: Issue 1/2012: A CONGRESS OF MOVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION. Retrieved May 31, 2017 .
  17. Deutscher Ärzteverlag GmbH, editorial office of the Deutsches Ärzteblatt: People infected with HIV are often discriminated against in Germany (23.08.2012) . ( aerzteblatt.de [accessed on May 31, 2017]).
  18. Heike Gronski: Let's go: The country needs new topics. In: magazin.hiv. November 15, 2012, accessed May 31, 2017 .
  19. AIDS Help: Exclusion is often worse than health problems - WELT. Retrieved May 31, 2017 .
  20. "Positive Encounters": program now online . In: German AIDS Help . July 1, 2014 ( aidshilfe.de [accessed May 31, 2017]).
  21. Lenny Reimann: Against homophobia and racism . In: young world . August 29, 2016 ( jungewelt.de [accessed May 31, 2017]).