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A premeasure is a special set function in measure theory that is used to mathematically specify the intuitive concept of volume. In contrast to a measure , the domain of a premeasure does not have to be a σ-algebra .


A set function of the set system is called premeasure if it fulfills the following properties:

  • It is
  • It is σ-additive , that is, for every sequence of countably many pairwise disjoint sets from with :

Alternatively, a premeasure can also be defined as an -additive content . A half-ring or a ring is usually chosen as the quantity system . A premeasure means finite if it applies to everyone . A premeasure is called -final if there is a decomposition of in such that applies to all .


The properties change depending on the quantity system on which a premeasure is defined. In addition to all of the properties mentioned here, all properties of content also apply to the corresponding set system.

In a half ring

If a half-ring , then it is possible to each premeasure on a unique premeasure to that of the generated ring construct. See also the section on sequels.

In the ring

If there is a ring , then the following properties apply:

  1. is a premeasure.
  2. σ-subadditive (Sigma-subadditive), the following applies:for every sequence of setsinwith
  3. Continuity from below : If there isan opposingincreasing sequence of sets, then is.
  4. Continuity from above : If there isadecreasing sequence of sets from with, then is.
  5. Continuity against : If there is a decreasing sequence of sets against , then is .

These properties are also often used as characterization. If the premeasure is finite, then equivalence applies to all properties.


From half rings to rings

For every pre-measure on the half - ring, one can construct a pre-measure on the ring produced by . Due to the properties of a half ring, there are pairwise disjoint sets with for all . By going through

defined, you get a clearly defined continuation . The continuation is -finite exactly if -finite.

To a measure

According to Carathéodory's theorem of expansion of measures , a premeasure on a ring can be continued to a measure on the σ-algebra generated by the ring . To do this, an external dimension is first constructed from the pre-dimension . Those sets that are measurable with regard to this external measure form a σ-algebra . The restriction of the external measure to this σ-algebra is then a measure that corresponds to the premeasure. It also contains the ring and thus also the σ-algebra generated by the ring .

In addition, is a complete measure space and is the completion of .

If the pre-measure is σ-finite, the uniqueness of the continuation follows with the uniqueness theorem for measures .


Lebesgue's premeasure

The most important premise is the so-called Lebesgue premise


on the half-ring of the half-open intervals on the real numbers. It can also be generalized to higher dimensions. The Lebesgue measure and then the Lebesgue integral are constructed from it.

Lebesgue-Stieltjessches premise

Another important pre-measure is the Lebesgue-Stieltjes pre-measure , from which the Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure and the Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral are derived:


where is a growing right-hand continuous real-valued function. If the right-hand side is not continuous, then it is the Stieltjesian content . For it agrees with the Lebesgue premise. Every finite premeasure on the real numbers can be represented as Lebesgue-Stieltjesche premise with a suitable function .


  • Jürgen Elstrodt: Measure and integration theory . 6th edition. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-89727-9 .
  • Achim Klenke: Probability Theory. 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-76317-8