2011 presidential election in the Central African Republic

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The 2011 presidential elections in the Central African Republic took place at the same time as the parliamentary elections on January 23, 2011 , after the date had been postponed several times. François Bozizé , President of the Central African Republic since 2005 , won almost two thirds of the votes in the first round and left his main competitor and predecessor Ange-Félix Patassé behind with 20 percent of the votes. A runoff election was therefore unnecessary. The validity of this result is controversial. On the one hand, the opposition accused of massive electoral fraud, and on the other, large parts of the country are not under government control, so that the election campaign hardly took place outside the capital Bangui . In view of these circumstances, if the official figures are correct, voter turnout was unexpectedly high at around 50 percent and exceeded the turnout in the last elections in 2005 .

The candidates

A sixth candidate, Justin Wilite , was removed from the list shortly before the elections after cashing a bad check.

Official results

Candidate and party be right %
François Bozizé - Convergence Nationale "Kwa Na Kwa" ("National Convergence 'Kwa Na Kwa'") 607.184 66.08
Ange-Félix Patassé - Independent 184.716 20.10
Martin Ziguélé - Mouvement de libération du peuple centrafricain ("Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People") 59,370 6.46
Emile Gros Raymond Nakombo - Rassemblement Démocratique Centrafricain ("Central African Democratic Association") 42,591 4.64
Jean-Jacques Démafouth - Armée du Peuple pour la restauration de la démocratie ("Army of the People to Restore Democracy") 24,980 2.72
Total (turnout: 54.01%) 919.841 100.00
Invalid votes 66,189 6.71
Total votes 986.030
Registered voters 1,825,735
Source: La Voix

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Theguardian.com, accessed October 24, 2011
  2. taz.de accessed on October 24, 2011
  3. english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90855/7263730.html, accessed October 24, 2011