Exam license

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The exam license is the authorization to conduct exams .


Teachers in the public and private school service do not need an explicit examination license; this is a mandatory consequence of passing the state examination .

University professors

Like teachers, professors do not initially need a separate exam license; this is part of the appointment as professor.

Separation is only possible in the opposite way: In the event of serious offenses (example: proven systematic discrimination against women in examinations, TU Darmstadt in the 1980s), the examination license can be withdrawn. This is not an official disciplinary measure . From a technical point of view, however, it is a serious humiliation: The professor has to hand over responsibility for the results of his teaching to colleagues who are less competent in the field, or his courses become uninteresting for students due to the lack of evidence through examinations. This is only accepted if otherwise disciplinary measures up to and including the loss of civil servant status are to be feared.

armed forces

While teaching in the Bundeswehr is generally carried out by NCOs , examinations generally have to be at least supervised and confirmed by officers . Depending on the course, officers are automatically authorized to take exams (e.g. shooting in basic training) or have to acquire the examination license through proof of special knowledge (e.g. driving examiner).