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In Pregorexie is a form of anorexia during the pregnancy of a woman. The word was formed from "pregnant" (pregnant) and anorexia (anorexia).


The anorexia nervosa during pregnancy and after the birth was first named pregorexia by blogger Maggie Baumann. She describes her own pregnancy at the time as a 9 month struggle, desperate from the expansion of her body as she rebelled against every ounce of extra weight.

The Berlin doctor for gynecology Michael Abdu-Dakn sees one reason for the (re) emergence of the disease at the beginning of a pregnancy in the fact that very slim women in particular, also those who were anorexic at an early age, initially put on relatively strong weight to later - like others - Having gained an average of 15 kg at the end of pregnancy.

The St. Joseph Hospital Berlin has a special offer for women with mental health problems after giving birth. Some women thus anticipate the problem of others who roughly retain their weight after giving birth, i.e. remain “fat”, and fall into their defensive hunger diet. These women keep their babies at a distance. Often they are unable to breastfeed or for other reasons they are unable to breastfeed. Psychotherapy is recommended .

Web links


  • Jennifer Mathieu: What is pregorexia? In: Journal of American Diet Association. June 2009, pp. 976-979. PMID 19465173

Individual evidence

  1. Maggie's Story on momlogic , viewed September 10, 2012
  2. Thin by the ninth month. In: Der Tagesspiegel . September 10, 2012, p. 14: Health