Pringle maneuver

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Schematic representation of the Pringle maneuver

The Pringle maneuver is a measure developed by James Hogarth Pringle to cut off the blood supply during surgery on the liver . In this case, which is hepatoduodenal ligament , in which the portal vein ( vena portae ) and the hepatic artery ( hepatic artery , temporarily pressed off) pass through a hemostat. The common bile duct , which also runs in the hepatoduodenal ligament, is omitted if possible. Clamping is usually well tolerated over a period of up to 60 minutes. The tolerance time can be increased by pre-ischemic conditioning - previous clamping 2 to 3 times over a period of 10 minutes. Alternatively, for longer operations, there is the possibility of restoring blood circulation in the meantime.


  • Bernhard Weigel, Michael Nerlich: Practice book accident surgery . Springer, Berlin 2004. ISBN 978-3-540-41115-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ JH Pringle: V. Notes on the Arrest of Hepatic Hemorrhage Due to Trauma. In: Annals of Surgery . Volume 48, Number 4, October 1908, pp. 541-549, ISSN  0003-4932 . PMID 17862242 . PMC 1406963 (free full text).
  2. ^ Henne-Bruns, Dürig, Kremer: Duale series surgery . 3rd edition, Thieme, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-13-125293-7 , pp. 507-511.
  3. V. Schumpelick, N. Bleese, U. Mommsen (ed.): Kurzlehrbuch surgery . 7th edition, Thieme, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-13-127127-2 , p. 384.