Pro Knigi

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The Journal of Bibliophilie Pro Knigi (Russian "Про книги. Журнал библиофила") is an illustrated, quarterly, popular science magazine that old books examined and examines various issues of Bibliophilie and history of books collecting. The magazine has been published in Moscow since 2007 and has a circulation of 2,000 copies, which is sold both in retail and by subscription.


“Pro Knigi” (“About Books”) was conceived as a successor to the tradition of bibliophile periodicals at the beginning of the 20th century. The periodicals published by the bookseller and collector N. Solowjow can be named as the forerunners of the magazine: "Antique" (1902–1903) and "Russian bibliophile" (1911–1916). Mikhail Vadimowitsch Seslawinski has been the editor of the magazine “Pro Knigi” (“About Books”) since 2008.


In recent years, Pro Knigi (“On Books”) has been transformed into an encyclopedia of bibliophile life of the twenty-first century. Each issue of the magazine contains articles on Russian and foreign rarity books, exclusive archive material, results of the most important auctions in Russia, Europe and the United States, and also the so-called “bibliophile walks”, i. e. bibliophile insights into many cities in the world. There is a special section on the pages of the magazine, the “Portraits of Bibliophiles and Book Connoisseurs”. It includes discussions and interviews with important bibliophiles.

Some editions are dedicated to the most important events in Russian book culture, e.g. B. the 130th birthday of the Russian poet A. Block (2010 No. 3), or the 200th birthday of the Russian writer N. Gogol (2009 No. 1).

The article writers are members of the National Union of Bibliophiles, leading employees of the Russian State Libraries in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, museums and galleries, historians and professional booksellers.

Medal "For the personal contribution to the development of the patriotic bibliophilia in honor of N. Smirnov-Sokolsky"

In collaboration with the National Union of Bibliophiles, Pro Knigi introduced the medal “For personal contribution to the development of the patriotic bibliophile in honor of N. Smirnov-Sokolsky”. So far, O. Lasunsky, V. Petritzkij, L. Chertkov (2013) and Y. Berdichevsky (2014) have been honored.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Encyclopedia of Bibliophile Life. The magazine “Pro Knigi” (“About Books”) turned five in May // Knigoobozrenie. - 2012 - № 378
  2. Nazarevskay N. "Pro Knigi" ("About books"): The wonderful spirit of the passion for books // Among the collectors. - 2011. - No. 3
  3. “There are always books that remain a dream.” Interview with M. Bashmakov // The magazine “Pro Knigi” (“About books”). 2013. - No. 3. С. 28-35.