Mikhail Vadimowitsch Seslavinsky

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Mikhail Seslavinsky

Mikhail Vadimowitsch Seslavinski ( Russian Михаил Вадимович Сеславинский ; born February 28, 1964 in Dzerzhinsk ) is a Russian politician and bibliophile .


Seslavinski graduated from the Lobachevsky State University in Nizhny Novgorod . From 1986 to 1989 he was a lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences at the Dzerzhinsk branch of the Gorky Polytechnic University. In 1990 he became a People's Deputy of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR) from the Dzerzhinsk Territorial District No. 364 and a Member of the Gorky District Council of People's Deputies. From 1990 to 1993 Seslawinski was the vice-chairman of the Commission on Culture in the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. From 1993 to 1998 he was a member of the Russian State Duma ( lower house of parliament). In the first Duma he was chairman of the culture subcommittee in the committee for education, culture and science, in the second Duma he was vice chairman of the culture committee.

In 1998 and 1999 he headed the Federal Television and Radio Service, before becoming State Secretary and First Vice Minister for Press, Television, Radio and Mass Communication until 2004. Since 2004 he has been the head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. Mikhail Seslawinski took the initiative to draw up and sign the moral code, namely the TV and Radio Workers' Charter. It was signed on April 28, 1999 by the heads of the leading television and radio companies in Russia.

From 2001 to 2003 Seslavinsky was a member of the supervisory board of the open joint-stock company “Obschtschestwennoje Rossijskoje Televidenije” (“Russian Public Television”), the open joint company “Pervy Kanal” (“First Channel”). In addition, he was in various years supervisory board chair of the publishing house "Prosweschtschenije" ("Enlightenment"), the Open AG "Administrative Directorate for Press", the Open AG "Polygrafisches Kombinat für Kinderliteratur '50 Years of the USSR '", the Open AG "General Directorate for international book exhibitions and fairs ”.

Seslawinski is married and has two daughters (born in 1994 and 2003). His older daughter Natalia Seslavinskaya has also devoted her life to the book business.


Seslavinsky is also known as a bibliophile, collector of autographs and rare books from the 19th and 20th centuries, and a patron who donates books and manuscripts to state collections (State Literature Museum, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences , All-Russian State Rudomino Library for Foreign Literature, Central State Museum of Modern History of Russia, State Museum “Alexander Pushkin”, Naval Library “Admiral Mikhail Lazarev”, State Museum and Nature Reserve “Dmitri Mendeleev and Alexander Blok”, House of Russian Foreign Countries “Alexander Solzhenitsyn”). Since February 2011 he has been the council chairman of the National Bibliophile Association . He is also the author of many film studies. Bibliography of his works - Michail Seslawinski - Bibliophile and book scholar: Bibliography / author LI Fursenko; Aut. of the editorial AJ Samarin, publishing house “Paschkow Dom”, 2014.

Seslawinski is also the author of the anthology of children's stories Chastnoe pionerskoe , after which a film of the same name was made, and the volume of articles Homo scripitors [= the writing person] , the books odor of the book cover (a bibliophile album), Polaris (story about adventure a pipe cat in Finland), Rendesvouz (Russian painter in the French book edition in the first half of the 20th century), the album books for gourmets (as co-author with the professor of the Moscow State University of Press Olga Tarakanova), the album Garland of books and pictures (children's reading in pre-revolutionary Russia), monographs French bibliophile editions depicting Russian painters émigrés (1920/1940) , author of the volume Tamizdat: 100 selected books , author of the album “Autograph Art”, the books “My friend Ossip Mandelschtam ”,“ Russian book rarities of the 20th century: 333 selected books ”,“ Bibliophile wreath for Marina Tsvetaeva ”,“ Cantata for the 'Cantata' ”.

On the 175th birthday of Anatole France as the originator of the idea for the publication, author and author of the epilogue to the book ("Russian Bratküche from Anatole France"), in which unknown drawings by TA Mawrina and AF Sofronova were also published: A. France, “The roast kitchen for Queen Pedauque. Angel riot ”. - St. Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2019.

Seslavinsky heads the editorial board of the magazine “Pro Knigi” (“About Books”) , is a member of the supervisory board of the State Picture Gallery “Pavel Tretyakov”, the Russian State Literary and Art Archive, the “Orthodox Encyclopedia”; Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Moscow State Printing University "Ivan Fyodorov". Since August 26, 2013 he has been a member of the Council for awarding government awards in the field of mass media, member of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (since 2004), the Government Commission on the Development of Television and Radio, the Commission on Religious Associations at the Government of Russia.

Seslavinsky was a member of the committee for the organization of the celebrations for the 125th birthday of the writer Kornej Chukovsky and the 100th birthday of his daughter, the writer Lidia Chukovskaya, in 2007.

Vice-chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Year of Literature in Russia 2015.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the preparation of the events for the 100th birthday of the writer Konstantin Simonov in 2015.

Chairman of the organizing committee for the preparation of the events for the 125th birthday of the poet Ossip Mandelschtam. Chairman of the Organizing Committees for Preparing the 125 Years Anniversaries of Konstantin Paustovsky and Marina Tsvetaeva 2017. Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Preparing the Events for the 150th Birthday of Maxim Gorky in 2018. Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Preparing the Events for the 100th Birthday of Alexander Solzhenitsyn 2018. Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the preparation of the events for the 200th birthday of Nikolai Nekrasov in 2021.

Seslawinski is a doctor of history.

Seslavinski is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts (department for art research and criticism).


Michail Seslavinski has received various awards from the Russian Federation and has been a member of the Legion of Honor since September 12, 2013 for his personal contribution to the development of cultural relations between France and Russia.

Web links

Commons : Mikhail Seslavinsky  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Chastnoe pionerskoe. Seslavinsky M.
  2. Chastnoe pionerskoe (Russian) by MV Seslavinski (Author)
  3. ^ The Scent of a Book Binding. Seslavinsky M.
  4. ^ The Rendezvous (Russian artists as depicted in French books of the first half of the 20th century). Seslavinsky M.
  5. ^ Books for Book Lovers (co-authored with Moscow State Printing University professor Olga Tarakanova). Seslavinsky M.