Pro Medico Foundation

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Pro Medico Foundation
legal form Foundation, endowment
founding 1974
Seat Zurich , Switzerland
management Hermann Walser
( Chairman of the Board of Trustees )
sales 212.652 million CHF
Branch Pension funds

The Pro Medico Stiftung , based in Zurich is a semi-autonomous Swiss pension fund for self -employed doctors and their staff in the canton of Zurich . As a pension fund, it insures its members and their employees of the Medical Society of the Canton of Zurich, the Veterinary Society of the Canton of Zurich and other organizations from the medical profession under the 2nd pillar .

The foundation was established in 1974. The pension foundation was set up and expanded under the auspices of the Medical and Veterinary Society of the Canton of Zurich. At the end of 2007, the foundation had 4,539 active insured persons and 150 pension recipients. The investments amounted to almost 1.7 billion Swiss francs.

Legal bases

The legal basis is formed by the Federal Act on Occupational Old-Age, Survivors 'and Disability Pension Plans , the Federal Act on Freedom of Movement in Occupational Old-Age, Survivors' and Disability Pension Plans and the associated ordinances. The foundation's own regulations are also part of the legal basis.


The highest governing body of the foundation is the foundation board . This is composed equally of seven employer and employee representatives and the President of the Foundation Council. An external company specializing in pension and insurance advice serves as the office and implementation point for day-to-day business.

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