Program committee

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The program committee is a body within the framework of a scientific conference . It decides on the inclusion of contributions in the program of a conference. Its members represent the respective professional community to which the conference is assigned.


The tasks of a program committee (abbreviated PK; program committee (PC)) or its members include

  • determine the call for papers and all related organizational (type, scope and form of possible contributions) and content (focus and motto) aspects of the conference,
  • to make the conference known in the community and to encourage interested parties to submit contributions and
  • Evaluate submissions and decide on their admission to the conference. This takes place in the context of a final program committee meeting and represents the core of the work of a program committee.


The sponsoring company that regularly organizes the conference often decides on the composition of the program committee. B. a scientific society or a professional association . For larger conferences, tiered models are common, in which a smaller program committee takes on content-related tasks and puts together the conference program, while a larger group of reviewers takes on the review of submitted contributions. The evaluation process as a preliminary to the final decision of the program committee on the acceptance of contributions can also take place in stages, e.g. B. when meta-reviewers review the work of the primary reviewers in an initial evaluation round and present their decision to the program committee.

As a rule, one or more persons take the chair and organize the work of the program committee. With tiered models, there are different levels of responsibility of the members of the program committee (e.g. senior program committee member , area chair ).

The work of the program committee is usually dovetailed with that of the local organizing committee for a conference. The further development of the composition of the program committee is often carried out in consultation with the respective organizers in order to be able to take into account special features of the content or location of the respective event.

Conference management tool

The work of the program committee is typically supported by a conference management tool such as B. EasyChair supports, in which contributions can be submitted and evaluated and which, if necessary, also offers the opportunity to plan the specific conference program on the basis of the selected contributions. The work of the program committee is here z. B. supported by the fact that the evaluation behavior is evaluated and strongly deviating evaluations are highlighted in an easily understandable way (for example in Conftool).

Individual evidence

  1. Website of the conference management tool ConfTool,

Web links