Project completion

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A project completion is the last project phase of a project and comprises the steps of product acceptance, project completion analysis, securing experience and project resolution. If the project is completed, although the project goals are not achieved, then one speaks of a project termination .

Product acceptance

The product acceptance initiates the project completion. First of all, the development result must go through a (pre-planned) acceptance test - ideally at a development-independent body. Handover to and takeover by the customer must be recorded in a product acceptance report. Any future technical support for the development work created should also be regulated when the product is handed over.

Project completion analysis

In the final project analysis ( project review ), the post-calculation is carried out - if possible in the same structure as in the previous preliminary and additional calculations. Deviations in terms of deadlines and costs as well as performance and quality features must be examined with regard to their characteristics, causes and possible remedies as part of a deviation analysis. A previously made profitability calculation should also be checked for compliance in a follow-up analysis.

Assurance of experience

In addition, it is advisable not to complete a project without systematically backing up the experience gained in the project, i.e. carrying out lessons learned . The collection of relevant data is the basis for creating key figures and building a key figure system. The setting up of experience databases is particularly suitable for securing experience, because the knowledge from different development areas is brought together in a common database over a longer period of time. The collection of empirical data is also an important prerequisite for the calibration of effort estimation procedures. Effective knowledge management is not possible without a consistent safeguarding of experience.

Project resolution

The last step in the project completion phase and thus in the entire project process is the project resolution. In addition to a defined beginning, every project must also have a clear end. With the project dissolution, which can be partially initiated at previous milestones, the project staff is transferred to new tasks and the resources tied up in the project are directed to new projects.

Final project report

The final project report, also known as the project balance sheet, summarizes the events and results of the project. It should include:

  • the key figures of the original project planning for performance, costs and deadlines;
  • the actual completion and handover date;
  • the performance data of the created result;
  • the quality standard actually achieved with regard to measurable key figures;
  • the actual project cost overview;
  • Provisions for warranties;
  • personnel expenses, broken down into areas of activity;
  • Discontinuities in the project;
  • Root cause analysis of deviations from plan;
  • Results from customer surveys;
  • Learning transfer for future projects ( lessons learned ).

The final project report often also includes information on activities that follow the end of the project:

  • List of open points and outstanding work;
  • Additional claims and improvements;
  • Warranty and liability.


  • Burghardt, Manfred: Projektmanagement, 6th edition, Munich, Publicis Corporate Publishing, 2002

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Burghardt, Manfred: project completion . In: Gessler, Michael; GPM German Society for Project Management (Hrsg.): Competence-based project management . 4th edition. GPM, Nuremberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-924841-40-9 , p. 749 .