Provost district Gera-Weimar

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The Provostspengel Gera-Weimar is a subdivision of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM). In the total of five provost parishes of the EKM, also called parishes or provosts, several church districts are combined to form a common supervisory district, which is presided over by a provost; but there is no joint administration and also no synod as at the level of the church districts.

The Provostspengel Gera-Weimar comprises eight church districts and was provisionally formed in 2009 and finally on January 1, 2012. It is based in Gera . Friederike Spengler has been the Pröpstin ( regional bishop ) since March 1, 2019 .


The Propstsprengels area includes eastern and northeastern Thuringia and largely corresponds to the eastern supervisory district of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia before it was incorporated into the EKM.

It consists of the following church districts:

  • Altenburger Land
  • Apolda-Buttstädt
  • Eisenberg
  • Gera
  • Greiz
  • Jena
  • Schleiz
  • Weimar


In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia , four supervisory districts were formed in 1946, for which senior church councils from the regional church office were commissioned as visitors. There were the supervisory districts East (with seat in Gera), Middle (with seat in Weimar), West (with seat in Gotha) and South (with seat in Meiningen). The middle supervisory district was dissolved in 1998 and its area was divided between the three other supervisory districts. Since then, the church districts Altenburger Land, Eisenberg, Gera, Greiz, Jena and Schleiz have belonged to the eastern supervisory district. The church districts Apolda-Buttstädt and Weimar belonged to the western supervisory district until 2008.

Provosts or visitors

Visitators for the eastern supervisory district

  • 1946–1949: Gerhard Säuberlich
  • 1949–1952: Gerhard Bauer
  • 1952–1957: Günter Herden
  • 1958–1978: Walter Sieber
  • 1978–1991: Christoph Thurm
  • 1991–2002: Christian Köhler
  • 2002–2008: Hans Mikosch


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Overview of future provosts of the EKM with church districts. (pdf, 13 kB) In: April 20, 2010. Retrieved August 29, 2019 .
  2. ↑ The reorganization of the EKM provosts should be completed in early 2013. In: April 19, 2010, accessed August 29, 2019 .