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Prototalayots are forerunners of the talayots , which were built during the Talayotic la (from 1300 BC) on Menorca with a very inconsistent and irregular structure. The talayotic is a Bronze Age cultural phase in the Balearic Islands in which talayots, i.e. massive stone mounds with built-in chambers, were built. This sequence has parallels with the development in Sardinia , where the nuraghi was preceded by a protonuraghen phase . Prototalayots can be found u. a. in:

  • Biniatzent,
  • Curnia, eastern talayot
  • Rafal Roig,
  • Sant Aqusti, eastern talayot
  • Son Vitamina,
  • s'Hostal,
  • Torrelló, western talayot
  • Torre Vella d'en Loçano, northern talayot

The eastern talayot ​​of Curnia has a short, slightly trapezoidal straight corridor (which does not even reach the middle of the stone hill) from which a short, narrow corridor branches off to the right, which turns to the left and widens to a long oval, short side chamber.

In Rafal Roig's Talayot, two straight, narrow corridors lead approximately at right angles to each other into a slightly bent main chamber, which has a somewhat shorter, misshapen side chamber lying parallel to it, which is accessible through a narrow passage and has a niche.

The oval chamber in the northern talayot ​​of Torre Vella d'en Loçano, from which a narrow arched entrance leads to a collapsed side chamber facing the entrance, is accessed by a narrow straight passage.

All chamber structures are off-center in the cairn.

The settlements with prototalayots were partially abandoned at the beginning of the talayotic Ib, when the talayots were built with a regular structure around a main axis or with a main column.

Two traditions can be observed regarding pottery:

  • a) cylindrical and conical containers;
  • b) pottery with a rim that widens differently.

The first group belongs to talayotic la, the second to talayotic 1b.

See also


  • Lluis Plantalamor Massanet: La Casa Prehistòrica a Menorca Maó 1996

Individual evidence

  1. Binicodrell de Dalt, the larger talayot ​​of Curnia, Sant Agusti, Talati de Dalt , Torrelló, Torre d'en Galmés or Trepucó . With a main column Son Catlar .