Proverbes vignerons

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As Proverbes vignerons (French., Dt. Proverbs of winemakers) is called in France those sayings and phrases used by growers were invented to divide to the working years, and which are often passed on orally from generation to generation. They differ depending on the cultivation area and sometimes contradict each other. They are kept simple, similar to the pawn rules .

They originated in the Middle Ages . There are separate sayings for each month, but mostly for the Holy Days.


  • S'il gèle à la saint Bernardin, adieu le vin. (Eng. If it freezes at Sankt Bernardin, goodbye wine.)
  • S'il pleut à la Saint Bernardin, tu peux dire adieu à ton vin. (Eng. When it rains at Sankt Bernardin, you can say goodbye to your wine.)
  • C'est vers la Saint-Hippolyte que le raisin change au plus vite. (Eng. Against St. Hippolyte, the grapes change quickly.)


  • Fernand Benoit: La Provence et le Comtat Venaissin, arts et traditions populaires. Édition Aubanel, Avignon 1992. ISBN 2700600614 .
  • Marc Lagrange: Paroles de vin. Édition Féret, Bordeaux 2000. Pages 71 to 92. ISBN 2-902416-47-4 .
  • Jean-Pierre Saltarelli: Les Côtes du Ventoux, origines et originalités d'un terroir de la vallée du Rhône. Edition A. Barthélemy, Avignon 2000. ISBN 2879230411 .
  • Roger Ripert: Aux plaisirs du jardin. Édition de Borée, 2005. ISBN 2844943071 .

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