Processor (software)

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With processor as a software component (of . Lat procedure: progress) are in the computer and software technology , computer programs referred to, which are used in the context of an overall processing to data for subsequent processing or preparing data generated subsequently prepare / display.


  • A preprocessor , sometimes also called a 'precompiler' in software technology, is a computer program that processes input data in advance and makes them available in a modified form for a later work step (in which the actual processing takes place).

  • The post processor is used quite generally for the visual representation or evaluation of previously generated results. With the post processor it is possible to use the results e.g. B. from a finite element simulation in different ways on the screen (graphically). The results are processed accordingly by the post processor so that, for B. Areas of equal stress on a simulated component can be represented by isolines or by the same coloring in color gradients. The isolines and color gradients are displayed in color according to a value scale, so that the critical stress and deformation areas can be localized by simply looking at the diagram.

Web links

Wiktionary: Processor  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations