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Psychonomy (composed of the Greek: ψυχή psyche, breath, soul, mind, and νόμος nomos “law”) is a scientific and therapeutic direction that seeks laws that apply to the human soul . She researches the fundamentals of (nature) laws and regards the human being as a whole being, as a unity of soul and body. Since empiricism does not cover all phenomena, reference should also be made to the importance of humanities psychology . Psychonomy is cross-functional. It cannot be assigned to either the natural sciences or the social sciences or the humanities alone. An anthropology in the broadest sense forms its basis.


Psychonomy is concerned with the search for formal theories and models with which human behavior can be described so that predictions of behavior become possible. It also deals with human behavior in relation to functions and mechanisms in the brain.


The term psychonomy is a word created in the eighties. It was first used in 1982 by Professor L'Hermitte, a medical professor and Albert Ducrocq , a science journalist. They worked at the instigation of a French society for psychonomy, which had set itself the task of bringing together numerous personalities from science and philosophy in order to investigate phenomena of consciousness and in this way to work out possible laws for the interaction of mind and matter.

Differentiation from psychology

  • Psychonomy with the task of formulating the laws of human behavior and transforming them into technologies in order to be able to use them in practice. -> People are viewed as objects, the intention of control.
Basic attitude Keeping a distance, an observer's perspective
neutrality The stability of behavior descriptions in psychonomy can only be achieved by fading out the perspective of the observed object
task Normalization, standardization and reproducibility
difference Explanatory or interpretive words in psychology such as expectation, intention, goal etc. are theoretical terms (= hypothetical constructs) in psychonomy that must first be operationally defined
procedure general hypotheses are established and empirically tested

Organizations and others

Psychonomy is strongly linked to experimental psychology and biological psychology . The Foundation for Psychonomy was established in the Netherlands in 1968: the Netherlands Association for Psychonomy . In the United States, there is the Psychonomic Society , whose membership is mainly composed of experimental psychologists. In various universities in the Netherlands, psychonomy is a specialization within psychology.
