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Psynina (born March 1979 ; real name: Nina K. Fox ) is a German Goa - DJ . Her style is characterized by dark-looking bass beats behind which delicate tones or tone sequences are placed.

To person

Psynina gained her first experience with electronic music at the age of 18 at house parties and techno events . By chance she got to know the genre psytrance . Since then she has been interested in this music and has attended numerous parties and festivals. After several years she began to experiment with tunes and remixes . During this time she also made contact with producers and artists from the scene. Their hints and tips did not change anything about their own way of arranging, placing and displaying samples and sounds. She always seemed to have a sense of what a track needs and what doesn't. This is how her unmistakable style developed.


With the track "Stop That Killing" she drew attention in January 2005. She produced many more tracks and her style is clearly evident in each one. She quickly gained fame in the underground scene and her style cannot be compared to any other Goa artist.


  • May 2007: Unleashed Silence (LP)
  • May 22, 2008: Sexy Secret (LP)
  • May 2009: Nectar Spice
  • May 2009: Silence
  • July 2009: Galaxy
  • December 2009: Stream
  • December 2009: Origins

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