Ptahmosis (vizier)

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Ptahmosis in hieroglyphics
H ms s

(Ptah mose)
Ptḥ ms
Ptah is born

Ptahmose (also Ptehmes ) was the southern vizier under Amenophis III. in the Egyptian 18th dynasty.

Ptahmosis is known from a number of objects that attest to his extraordinary career and concentration of power. In addition to the office of vizier, he was " high priest of Amun ", " mayor of Thebes ", head of all priests of Upper and Lower Egypt and " frond bearer on the right hand of the king ". The title “head of all the king's work” indicates that he directed various important building projects of the ruler.

Despite some imposing objects that name him, little is known about him, which may be due to the fact that his grave has not yet been found. He probably served in the first years of Amenhotep III's reign. His name and title are recorded on a stele and a cubit .


  • Arielle P. Kozloff, Betsy M. Bryan, Lawrence M. Berman: Egypt's Dazzling Sun. Amenhotep III and his World. Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland 1992, ISBN 0-940717-17-4 , p. 49.