Pyrrhus II

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Pyrrhos II. ( Greek  Πύρρος ) was a king of the Molossians and hegemon of the Epiroten from the dynasty of the Aiacids in the 3rd century BC.

Pyrrhus was the elder son of Alexandros II and Olympias . His younger brother was Ptolemy and he had a daughter named Deidameia .

Both brothers were not of age when their father died, which is why their mother initially exercised power. She had Pyrrhus' concubine Tigris poisoned. Shortly after reaching the age of majority and taking power personally, Pyrrhus died. The year of his death, like all other data on the last Aiakiden, cannot be precisely determined. However, he is likely to have died shortly after the beginning of the reign of Demetrios II of Macedonia (239–229 BC), who was his brother-in-law.


  • Susanne Funke: Aiakid myth and epiphany royalty. The way of a Hellenic monarchy. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-515-07611-5 .


  1. Polyainus 8, 52.
  2. Athenaios 13, 589f-590a.
  3. ^ Justin 28: 3.
predecessor Office successor
Olympias King of the Molossians
Hegemon of Epirus