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QIM Mok (born January 25, 1925 in Amsterdam , † August 12, 2005 in Leiden ) was a Dutch Romance scholar , Provençalist and linguist.

life and work

Quirinus Ignatius Maria (Kees) Mok grew up in Amsterdam and studied French there from 1947 (1952–1953, and in 1955 also at the Sorbonne). In 1956 he was employed at the University of Amsterdam and in 1968 a lecturer. He received his doctorate in 1968 under Anton Reichling (1898–1986) with a contribution à l'étude des catégories morphologiques du genre et du nombre dans le français parlé actuel (The Hague / Paris 1968). From 1971 until his retirement in 1988 he held the chair for Romance Linguistics at the University of Leiden .

Mok was Secretary General from 1984 to 1990 and President of the Association Internationale d'Études Occitanes (AIÉO) from 1990 to 1993. From 1971 to 1994 he edited Romance Linguistics in the journal Neophilologus . He was a Knight of the Legion of Honor .

Other works

  • Manuel pratique de morphologie d'ancien occitan , Muiderberg 1977


  • (Ed.) Aspects de linguistique française. Homage to QIM Mok , Amsterdam 1988
  • Via QIM MOK. Études de linguistique occitane moderne de QIM Mok, réunies à sa mémoire sous les auspices de l'Association Internationale d'Études Occitanes . Edited by François Pic and Patrick Sauzet, Aachen 2008 (with CV and list of publications)

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