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Relief Map: Yemen

Qarnawu ( old South Arabic qrnw , reconstructed Qarnāwu , ancient Greek Κάρνα Kárna ) is an ancient city in today's Jauf in northern Yemen , near the present-day town of Ma'in ( Arabic معين, DMG Maʿīn ).

Qarnawu was presumably founded around 500 BC when the Minean Empire was formed. Founded; after the end of the Sabaean rule over Ma'in around 400 BC Qarnawu was temporarily the capital of Ma'in. Qarnawu was built on a 10 m high embankment and had a rectangular floor plan with a side length of about 350 × 240 meters; it was crossed by a dead straight main street that led from the west to the east gate. The interior was laid out according to plan. With the end of the Minean Empire in the 1st century BC BC Qarnawu lost its importance, it was probably given up soon afterwards.

see the article section: Architectural history of South Arabia


  • Ahmed Fakhry : An archaeological journey to Yemen . Cairo 1951–52.
  • F. Bron: Inventaire des Inscriptions sudarabiques. Tome 3rd Maʿīn (fasc. A-B) . Paris-Rome 1998.