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Quad9 is a public DNS resolver network , which is operated by a non-profit organization consisting of IBM , Packet Clearing House , Global Cyber ​​Alliance and other companies . The main differentiator to other DNS resolvers is the automatic blocking of domains that are associated with malicious attacks. Quad9 also allows users to encrypt their DNS requests to the network using DNS over TLS , DNS over HTTPS and DNSCrypt .

Quad9 can be reached under the anycast IPv4 address and the IPv6 address 2620: fe :: fe . The host name (DoT address) is dns.quad9.net . In addition, adapted DNS functions are offered under additional IP addresses, for example for content delivery networks and the Internet of Things .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Monika Ermert: Quad9: Data protection-friendly alternative to Google DNS. heise.de, November 16, 2017, accessed on July 18, 2018 .
  2. Quad9, a Public DNS Resolver - with security .
  3. DoH with Quad9 DNS Servers .
  4. DNSCrypt Now in Testing .