Rear army area
As rear was in the Soviet German war called the occupied enemy territory, which is under the administration of the rear commander Army field ( Korück ) at the respective Army High Command was. In the operational area of an army, the executive power lay with the commander-in-chief of the army. It was divided into "battle area" and "rear army area". The combat area was limited to the area of the enemy divisions and army corps . In him the executive power was incumbent on the commanding generals. The Rear Army area reached up to the border of the administered by the army groups standing army rear area or the assumed war administrative occupied territory or of the homeland war zone .
In the course of the economic exploitation of the occupied territories, the German Wehrmacht participated in numerous violations of international martial law and war crimes , for example by abducting slave labor and participating in so-called " partisan actions ". This was directed u. a. against the Jewish civilian population who were either deported to labor camps or murdered on the spot.
Individual evidence
- ^ Christoph Rass: criminal warfare on the front. An infantry division and its soldiers. In: Christian Hartmann , Johannes Hürter , Ulrike Jureit (eds.): Crimes of the Wehrmacht. Balance of a debate. CH Beck, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-406-52802-3 , pp. 80-90.
- Jürgen Förster: Securing the "living space". In: Horst Boog, Jürgen Förster, Joachim Hoffmann , Ernst Klink, Rolf-Dieter Müller , Gerd R. Ueberschär : The attack on the Soviet Union (= Military History Research Office [ed.]: The German Reich and the Second World War . Volume 4 ). 2nd Edition. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-421-06098-3 .