RAPID (database)

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RAPID is a European Commission database that contains all press releases since 1985. In some cases, press releases from other European institutions are also freely accessible.

Special features of the database

The Rapid database is managed by DG COMM (Commission, Directorate-General, Communication). English and French are available as languages. The press releases are also mostly in French and English, but also in other official languages.

The documents can be called up in the file formats PDF , DOC and HTML .

With the help of a personalization function, the preferred language and notification function can be set up by e-mail or SMS .

Search options

  • according to subject areas, such as OLAF (Anti-Fraud Office), IP (EC Press Release)
  • date
  • Press release reference number
  • Full text search in Any Term , All Terms , Exact Match or Title only only
  • according to keywords
  • "Recent Press Releases" provides all documents from the last seven days
  • "Topics" lists all documents since September 1999, sorted by subject area

Web links