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RMJM company logo

RMJM ( Robert Matthew Johnson Marshall ) is a British architectural firm. It works in the fields of architecture, interior design, master planning, urban planning, economic design, engineering, technical consulting, landscaping, architectural reconstruction and digital simulation. Subsidiaries are u. a. in Edinburgh and London ( United Kingdom ) and New York .


The company was founded in 1956 by architects Robert Matthew and Stirrat Johnson-Marshall. In 1961 the company merged with architects Tom Sparven, Kenneth Graham, Vernon Lee, John Richards, Chris Carter and Alan Whiteman. The company then renamed itself RMJM & Partners. At this point, the company went through a process of internationalization, followed by participation in globally significant projects. In 1967 RMJM & Partners had 350 employees in London and Edinburgh.

Evolution Tower in Moscow

Another office was opened in Glasgow and later expanded outside of the UK. At the end of the 1960s, the company was involved in larger projects in the USA and the Near and Middle East for the first time, which in turn contributed to the establishment of further studios in those regions in the following years. RMJM is currently represented in 25 countries worldwide.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. RMJM: Regions & Services. Retrieved May 27, 2016 .
  2. a b RMJM Architecture & Masterplanning Ltd .: RMJM History & Services. Retrieved May 19, 2016 .
  3. ^ Dictionary of Scottish Architects - DSA Architect Biography Report (June 2, 2016, 3:57 pm). In: www.scottisharchitects.org.uk. Retrieved June 2, 2016 .
  4. ^ RMJM: The First Forty Years . 1996.