Discount stamp

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Consumer stamp over 10 marks of the GDR consumer cooperative

The discount stamp is one of the earliest forms of customer loyalty measures . With this system, the customer receives a token for a defined percentage of the purchase price from the dealer for every purchase made. After the customer can prove a specified number of discount stamps or a specified discount stamp value, he receives a refund of the discounted stamp value shown. The discount stamps are mostly self-adhesive, postage stamp-like paper stamps that have to be glued into a form or saddle book. The retailer sometimes demands a fee from the customer for the issue of the booklet . The retailer achieves a stronger loyalty of the walk-in customers through the discount label system (possibly an improvement to the regular customers ), since the customer has to shop with him repeatedly until he is entitled to the refund. This gives the retailer a sales advantage over competitors.

In the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin , discount stamps were widespread in grocery stores and drugstores until the 1970s, but became increasingly less important than other advertising measures and disappeared completely in the 1980s. A 3 percent discount on purchases was common. A fully glued book of discount stamps was redeemed for 1.50 DM.

An example of the discount stamp is the “ Konsumheft ” in the GDR . By paying a membership fee, customers of the consumer trading company could purchase a share of the company. Subsequently, unlike non-members, they were entitled to receive discount stamps for every purchase, the value of which was regularly paid out in cash.

Modern variants of the discount stamp work according to a similar system. However, there are many possible variations. For example, two traders that are completely independent of each other in economic terms can agree on a joint procedure: The first trader improves his customer loyalty by rewarding the purchase of his goods with tokens from the second trader. The second dealer also benefits from the increase in customers.

The purpose of the discount stamp, which was originally based on the reimbursement of a portion of the purchase price, has often been heavily modified in current Payback systems. Preferably, the customer should z. For example, the discount you have acquired is not paid out, but rather you are motivated to make further purchases from the same dealer or partner in the form of bonus points.

The electronic storage of the customer's data, including his purchases, enables market research and targeted advertising. In contrast, the classic discount stamp system is anonymous. The redeemed discount stamp booklet does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about which products a customer has bought.

More recently, the stamp book has been reintroduced in some supermarkets since around 2005. In a campaign, for example, a discount token is issued for every € 5 purchase value. The booklet includes 30 brands and entitles you to a slightly discounted purchase of promotional goods, especially household items.

Individual evidence

  1. Money back after shopping: This is what so-called cashback portals promise.
  2. Collect, glue and cash in