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Racaille [ ʀaˈkɑj ], fem. , Is a French swear word and means something like “pack”, “rabble” or “scrap”.


The origin of the word is unclear. However, it is likely to have been formed as a diminutive according to the pattern canaille from rac (cf. “ Racker ” in German, Old English rack , dog ') or from the Provencal rascar (emaciated animal).

French politics and society

Nicolas Sarkozy , as interior minister and declared presidential candidate, made the word known internationally: During a visit to the unrest- plagued community of Argenteuil in October 2005, he replied to a resident who had complained about the youthful “racailles”: “You have had enough of this rabble ? Well, we will free you from it. ”( “ Vous en avez assez de cette bande de racailles? Eh bien, on va vous en débarrasser. ” )

Everyday culture

Young people in the banlieues use the term racaille ironically as a self-designation. In a broader sense, it stands for their subculture , way of speaking and clothing style based on the American gangsta model. In this context it has lost its derogatory character and in this respect resembles the British chav .

The term “racaille” is also used in Germany. The group around the German-Congolese rapper Mortel is called the “Racaille Gang”.

The term has also found its way into dialects near the border with France: The Swabian dialect knows the word "Ragall" for a quarrelsome woman.

An ultra grouping of Werder Bremen that was dissolved in 2012 was called Racaille Verte (Green Rabble). One of the resulting ultra groupings adopted the term “racaille” and, as is customary in French youth language, swapped the first syllable with the last syllable, so that the name “Caillera” was created.

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Happes: schwaebisches-woerterbuch.de Schwäbisch: Ragall. Retrieved June 24, 2020 .
  2. Caillera | Caillera. Retrieved on May 2, 2019 (German).
  3. https://www.faszination-fankurve.de/index.php?head=Endeavor-3000-Neue-Gruppe-bei-Werder-Bremen&folder=sites&site=news_detail&news_id=18819