Radial canal

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The radial canal ( Canalis nervi radialis ) is a vascular-nerve road on the upper arm . It lies directly on the humerus and is bounded by this and the lateral and medial head of the triceps brachii muscle . The radial nerve and the deep brachial artery run in the radial canal . Both pierce the upper arm fascia between the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles and thus leave the radial canal.

In the area of ​​the radial canal, fractures of the upper arm shaft cause damage to the radial nerve and thus distal radial paralysis .


  • Martin Trepel: Neuroanatomy . Urban & Fischer, 3rd edition 2003. ISBN 3437412973 , p. 401.
  • Johannes W. Rohen: Topographical Anatomy: Textbook with special consideration of the clinical aspects and the imaging procedures . Schattauer Verlag, 10th edition 2008, ISBN 9783794526161 , p. 97.