Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Award

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The Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Prize is a prize donated by the United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA) in 2000 for outstanding political cartoonists who publish internationally . It is named after the prominent UNCA member and publicist Ranan Lurie .


Together with the UNITED NATIONS Society of Writers and Artists , the journalists' association of UN correspondents UNCA established the tradition of this journalistic artist award. It is to be awarded annually to outstanding illustrators who continue, illustrate and sharpen the spirit and principles of the United Nations. The jury consists of 19 personalities from their ranks as well as UN ambassadors. The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel chaired the meeting .

The main prize is endowed with $ 10,000, the second prize with 5000, the third prize with 3000 dollars. Another ten receive a plaque of honor. The award-winning cartoons will be published on the website.

Web links

Official website: lurieunaward.com