Raphael Motowilow

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Raphael Motowilow (Russian Рафаил Мотовилов; born Leonid Semjonowitsch Prokopjew Леонид Семёнович Прокопьев; born September 18, 1947 in Eral, RSFSR , USSR ) is the leading metropolitan of the Orthodox Church of Russia .


Military career

Leonid Prokopjew studied at a military college and was then an officer in Poland and the Baikal region. After training at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow , he commanded troops in the Subcarpathian region, most recently as a lieutenant colonel. In the early 1980s, Leonid Prokopyev was sent to Lebanon as a military advisor . In 1984 he lost his right leg there after a mine explosion and seriously injured his left leg. After initial operations, he was flown back to Moscow in a private plane owned by Syrian President Hafiz al-Assad. Leonid Prokopyev was promoted to colonel, he became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and taught military tactics at the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense in Moscow.

Spiritual activities

In 1991 Leonid Prokopjew left the Soviet army and soon afterwards founded a center for alternative healing methods. In 1995 he became a monk of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and took the spiritual name of Raphael. In 1996 he was ordained bishop of Krasnoyarsk. That year he organized the coronation of Nikolai Dalsky as Nikolai III. With.

In 1997 Raphael moved to the Russian True Orthodox Church and became Bishop of Wolokolamsk there. That year he founded the «Prois» healing center in Moscow and became head of the Order of Malta in Russia. In 1998 Raphael was elected Chief Metropolitan of the Church. In 1999 all episcopal ordinations were withdrawn from him for violating canon law and his healing practices.

Raphael then founded the True Orthodox Church in Russia , which he has headed as Metropolitan ever since. In 2003 this church was renamed the Orthodox Church of Russia (True Orthodox Church) . Patriarch Alexy II of the Russian Orthodox Church condemned this church as heresy . In 2005, Raphael was granted the right to wear a patriarch's koukoulion.

In 2009 he changed his family name to Motowilow after Nikolai Motowilow, a contemporary witness of the holy Seraphim of Sarov, who in his opinion was an ancestor of his mother's side.

In 2016, the Church of St. Archangel Raphael in Moscow was searched for extremist literature by units of the domestic intelligence service FSB .


  • Jesse Russell, Ronald Cohn (Джесси Рассел, Роналд Кон): Рафаил (Прокопьев) . Bookvika publishing 2013. 104 S, ISBN 978-5-5098-8472-6

Web links


  1. Рафаил Прокопьев «Русское Православие»
  2. Российская Истинно-Православная Церковь on Hierarchy
  3. Russian True Orthodox Church (Raphaelites) OrthodoxWiki
  4. Православная Церковь России (Истинно-Православная Церковь) on hierarchy
  5. В Москве из храма Архангела Рафаила изъяпа экстремистская литература RIA Novosti from August 25, 2016
  6. В храме Архангела Рафаила в Москве начались обыски RBK from August 24, 2016