Spatial planning orientation framework

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The Spatial Planning Orientation Framework (ORA) provided models and strategies for spatial development for decision-makers in the federal, state and local governments until it was replaced by the models and strategies for action for spatial development in Germany (Section 18 (1 ) ROG ).

According to the Regional Planning Act, the federal spatial planning can develop nationwide models for the spatial development of the federal territory. Such a conceptual basis was provided by the spatial planning policy orientation framework of 1993, which the federal spatial planning had drawn up with the participation of the states. The background for the development of the ORA were the new framework conditions which the federal spatial planning was subject to after reunificationhad to ask. The development of the new federal states had to be driven forward and the structural imbalance between the old and the new federal states had to be eliminated. The developments in Eastern Europe and their spatial impact on Germany were also taken into account when developing the models. The five guiding principles of the ORA for spatial development are " settlement structure ", "environment and use of space ", "traffic", "Europe" and "order and develop". For each of the above-mentioned models, the ORA presents strategies for the whole of Germany. The ORA was specified in 1995 in the spatial planning policy framework (HARA).

See also: urban planning


  • Federal Ministry for Spatial Planning, Building and Urban Development (1993): Spatial planning policy orientation framework . [1]
  • Academy for spatial research and regional planning (1999): Floor plan of the state and regional planning , Hanover ISBN 388838527X
  • Federal Ministry for Spatial Planning, Building and Urban Development (2006): Concepts and strategies for spatial development in Germany . Internet source
  • Academy for spatial research and regional planning (1999): Floor plan of the state and regional planning , Hanover ISBN 388838527X