Guiding principles and action strategies for spatial development in Germany

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The models and action strategies for spatial development in Germany define general development goals for spatial planning in Germany as a common concept of the federal and state governments . They were decided by the Ministerial Conference for Spatial Planning in 2006 and replaced the spatial planning policy framework of 1993 and the spatial planning policy framework for action from 1995.

The guiding principles put the "Guiding principles and principles of spatial planning" set out in §§ 1 and 2 of the Spatial Planning Act in concrete terms. They represent a development strategy for cities and regions with a recommendable character, but are not a spatial development concept of the federal government and do not contain any planning specifications.

The task of these mission statements was defined:

  • Strengths of cities and metropolitan regions as engines of growth and innovation
  • Ensure the development of equal living conditions in town and country
  • Support regions in coping with the impact of demographic change
  • Strengthening the togetherness and cooperation of the regions, urban and rural areas, recognizing, bundling and networking their potential and developing joint responsibility together

Three subject areas for spatial development were taken up:

  • Model 1: “Growth and Innovation”: Strengthening spatial / regional competitiveness
  • Mission statement 2: "Securing services of general interest": Securing the public infrastructure to maintain equal living and working conditions
  • Mission 3: "Preserving resources, designing cultural landscapes": Management of spatial conflicts of use and sustainable spatial development


  • Federal Ministry for Spatial Planning, Building and Urban Development (2006): Concepts and strategies for spatial development in Germany . Internet source