
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A reader (English primer ; pl. In English readers , in German reader ) is a compilation - mostly in extracts - of predominantly scientific texts by one or more authors under a common main topic. Readers are mostly issued in preparation for conferences and seminars and take on the function of a common reading canon . The concept comes from Anglo-American academic practice.

In German-speaking countries, the term publication type is mostly used to describe books and text collections with readers that annotate a selection of canonical texts from a scientific field (art history, literary theory, philosophy of science etc.) that have already been published elsewhere. Readers are used to provide insight into the development of a subject, a discipline or a method.

Other meanings

Furthermore, can be found in English-speaking countries shorthand Reader among others for Feed Reader and similar to the reading of messages that are delivered in a specific format, specialized applications. In a similar form, a device for reading or displaying electronic books is also called a reader (→ e-book reader ).

See also