Response time (psychology)
The measurement of reaction time is a method of psychology to research mental representations of social information in the memory as well as mechanisms that are responsible for the processing of information from these representations or the social environment.
The relevant time periods have nothing to do with the short response times for technical measurements or in road traffic , but can range in the minute range and more.
Cognitions form the basis of many psychological phenomena, so so-called behavior indices (in this case the reaction time of a person) of cognitive processes are very important for understanding human behavior.
The mental decision-making process of how people react to environmental influences is also called the OODA loop . It is named after the 4 steps Observe - Orient - Decide - Act .
See also: time error (psychophysics)
- Abraham Tesser, Norbert Schwarz (Ed.): Blackwell handbook of social psychology. Intra-individual processes . Blackwell Publishers, London 2007, ISBN 978-0-6312-1034-4 (EA Malden 2001)