Legal list

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The list of lawyers (also simply called the list of lawyers ) was a directory of the lawyers admitted to the court . The reform of the Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO) by the law to strengthen self-management of the legal profession that is by on 1 June 2007 in its place bar associations led electronic rights lawyer directory entered.


Up until May 31, 2007, every lawyer in Germany was admitted to exactly one court ( Section 33 (1) sentence 1 BRAO). Each ordinary court ( official , Agriculture , Higher Regional , Court of Appeal and the Federal Court of Justice ) led a list of approved lawyers with him. The legal basis for this was found in § 31 BRAO.

Entry in the list of lawyers

The lawyer was entered on the list as soon as he was sworn in, had indicated his place of residence and had set up a law firm (unless he was exempt from this obligation).

The entry in the list of attorneys was a prerequisite for the attorney's authorization to practice attorney activity ( Section 32 (1) BRAO). In the exercise of his activity, he was not limited to the court at which he was admitted and therefore on whose list he was included.

Information in the list of lawyers

The list of attorneys contained information about

  • the time of admission and swearing in,
  • the residence,
  • the registered office and
  • permission
    • to hold external consultation days,
    • to set up a branch and
    • further exemptions according to the Federal Lawyers' Act.

Deletion from the list of lawyers

The lawyer was deleted from the list of lawyers in accordance with § 36 BRAO

  • Death of the lawyer,
  • Expiry of approval and
  • Revocation of admission.

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