Recruitment Process Outsourcing

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The recruitment process outsourcing (often RPO ) is the business process outsourcing subordinate. The process of recruiting is completely outsourced to an external service provider. The difference to classic personnel service providers lies in the form of cooperation. The RPO is not about filling an open position at short notice, but rather about the strategic development, operation and optimization of personnel work at the customer company. The recruitment process outsourcing is therefore designed for long-term cooperation. As a rule, the RPO service provider appears externally under the name of the customer company. Applicants cannot see whether the recruiting process is being carried out by the company itself or by a service provider. If only individual tasks are outsourced instead of the entire process, this is called outtasking.

Market situation

Recruitment process outsourcing is particularly well established in English-speaking countries, primarily in the USA and India . Worldwide sales of RPO was in 2014 about 3.5 billion US dollars . In Germany, the outsourcing of the entire recruiting process is comparatively low with a share of 2% of companies, but it is increasing.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Hartmut Lüerßen, Jens Renke: Market Analysis. Workforce Management 2012: Recruitment Process Outsourcing in focus . Kaufbeuren 2012.
  2. Gerd Schwarz: Outsourcing: An Introduction . In: Heinz-Josef Hermes, Gerd Schwarz (ed.): Outsourcing. Opportunities and risks, success factors, legally secure implementation . Munich 2005, p. 15-37 .
  3. Recruitment Process Outsourcing - Market Situation. SINEO GmbH, 2017, accessed on August 23, 2017 .