Reformatory Politieke Federatie

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The RPF politician André Rouvoet was Deputy Prime Minister of the ChristenUnie from 2007–2010 .

Reformatorische Politieke Federatie ( German  Reformatorische Politische Föderation ) was the name of a political party in the Netherlands . It existed from 1975 to 2001, when it became the ChristenUnie with the Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond .

The party had between one and three seats in the second chamber . Shortly before the union with the GPV, it had reached the peak of its membership with around 12,000 members.

The founding motive for the RPF was the impending merger of the three major Christian parties to form the Christian Democratisch Appèl (completed 1977–1980). Especially the cooperation with politicians of the Catholic Party was a thorn in the side of some strictly Protestant orientated people. The RPF was an amalgamation of electoral associations in Gelderland and Overijssel and three other groups. In contrast to the GPV and also the older, strictly Protestant party, the SGP , the party did not refer exclusively to the Drie formulations of van Enigheid . The Federatieraad (Federation Council) saw creation, the fall of man and the redemption through Jesus Christ as the basis of the Reformation .

Web links

Commons : Reformatorische Politieke Federatie  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

supporting documents

  1. ^ Reformatory State-Knowing Verbond? : over de samenwerking tussen SGP, GPV en RPF (1975-2000) , pp. 53-55.