Government of the three Kalons

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The government of the three Kalöns (1727–1728) in the Tibetan history of the 18th century was that of the three ministers ( Tib. Bka 'blon ; Kalön) Ngaphöpa Dorje Gyelpo ( nga phod pa rdo rje rgyal po ), Lumpane Trashi Gyelpo ( lum pa nas bkra shis rgyal po ) and Charaba Lodrö Gyelpo ( sbyar ra ba blo gros rgyal po ) existing triumvirate that took power in Lhasa immediately after the assassination of Khangchenne . The period of this reign fell in the 5th and 6th years of the Yongzheng era of the Qing Dynasty and was ended by Pholhane .

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Individual evidence

  1. Chin. San galun lianhe zhizheng 三 噶 伦 联合 执政
  2. Chinese 阿尔布巴
  3. Chinese 隆布 鼐
  4. Chinese 扎尔 鼐
  5. see: Luciano Petech : China and Tibet in the early 18th century. History of the establishment of Chinese protectorate in Tibet (= T'oung pao: archives concernant l'histoire, les langues, la géographie, l'ethnographie et les arts de l'Asie orientale. Monograph 1, ISSN  0169-832X ). Brill, Leiden 1972, p. 283.