Regimental salute

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The Marsch Regimentsgruss ( Heeresmarsch II, 4) was composed in the 1920s by the German-Swiss composer Heinrich Steinbeck in Meersburg . Today it is one of the best-known and most frequently performed military marches in Germany , but has meanwhile also gained international popularity with military and civil orchestras. A special characteristic are its simple but very precise harmonies that emphasize the marching step.

Although already well known and widespread at the time of its creation, the regimental salute only got into the Army March collection by chance: Its initiator Hermann Schmidt had inadvertently entered another, older march (the “March of the Siberian Grenadiers”) in two of their subordinate collections . Schmidt corrected his mistake by replacing the double entry in Collection II with the regimental salute.

The regimental salute can often be heard when the troop flag marches in and also when an honorary formation of the Bundeswehr marches out after a reception with military honors .