Regina Grundmann

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Regina Grundmann (* 1978 ) is Professor of Jewish Studies at the Institute for Jewish Studies at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster.

She studied Jewish Studies , Modern German Literature and Romance Philology at the universities in Düsseldorf and Bochum . In 2007 she received her doctorate in Bochum with a Judaistic-Germanistic thesis on the influence of the science of Judaism on Heinrich Heine and his transformation of the Jewish tradition under the sign of secularization . Her doctorate was funded by a grant from the German National Academic Foundation. She then worked as a research assistant in the DFG project “The Renaissance Preacher Judah Moscato: Cultural Transfer in a New Style”. In 2009 she accepted the call to a junior professorship in Münster and has been Professor of Jewish Studies there since 2015. Her research interests include Jewish religious and cultural history.

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  • "Rabbi Faibisch, What is Apollo in High German": Judaism, poetry, Schlemihltum in Heinrich Heine's work . Metzler, Stuttgart, Weimar 2008.
  • Haggadah as poetry - poetry as revelation: Heinrich Heine's transformation of rabbinical tradition . In: Heine-Jahrbuch vol. 45 (2006), pp. 223–235.
  • Ed. (Together with Assaad E. Kattan): Beyond the tradition? Tradition and Criticism of Tradition in Religions . De Gruyter. Berlin. Boston 2014.
  • Ed. (Together with Bernd J. Hartmann and Daniel Siemens): “What should become of us?” Sources and research on the history of the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith in National Socialist Germany . Metropol, Berlin 2018.