Registrar (museum)

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In a museum , the registrar is the person who is responsible for managing the collections belonging to the museum .


The tasks of a registrar include the administration of the collections, possibly the depots and inventories as well as the lending business.

Registrars are jointly responsible with the restorers for ensuring that exhibits and museum objects are properly stored and transported. This also includes the insurance of the works.

In the organization of exhibitions, the registrars are responsible for handling transport and security conditions. Another area of ​​responsibility of a registrar is to take care of the museum-specific, administrative and legal issues of international and national interlibrary loan .


In order to be able to exercise the profession of registrar, one needs either a degree in a museum-relevant area or an education as a documentary . Required prerequisites are knowledge of documentation , registration and inventory of exhibits. Knowledge of contract law and copyright law is also required; knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a basic requirement of the profession.

Possible access professions:

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