Recourse (logic)

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In traditional logic, regress denotes the decline, the regression of thinking from the conditioned to the condition, from the effect on the cause and from the particular to the general. Infinite regress is in the foreground in argumentation theory or logic and in mathematics .

A distinction is made into one

  • regressus in infinitum (regressus ad infinitum; infinite regress)

that is, stepping back to infinity in an infinite series;

  • regressus in finitum

that is, stepping back in a finite series; and one

  • regressus in indefinite

ie stepping back in a row that can be broken off at any point.

Individual evidence

  1. Schülerduden, Philosophie, 2nd ed. (2002) / Regress
  2. ^ Rainbow / Meyer, Dictionary of Philosophical Terms (2006) / Regreß
  3. ^ Rainbow / Meyer, Dictionary of Philosophical Terms (2006) / Regreß