Regular sequence

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Regular sequences play a role in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry . They are needed to define the depth of a module and Cohen-Macaulay rings and to make statements about complete averages.

This article is about commutative algebra. In particular, all rings under consideration are commutative and have a one element. Ring homomorphisms map single elements onto single elements. For more details, see Commutative Algebra .


Regular sequence

If a Noetherian module is over a ring , then an element is called -regular if it always follows for a .

A sequence of elements from is called -regular sequence if the following conditions are met:

  • For the picture of no zero divisor in

The addition “ -” is omitted if it is clear from the context which module is meant.

The special case when there is a local ring and the module is itself is most important. In this case, all terms in the sequence are in the maximum ideal.

Regular parameter system

If local and the maximal ideal, then a minimal generating system of is called a regular parameter system .


  • A maximal -regular sequence is finite and all maximal -regular sequences have the same length.
  • If a finite module is over a Noetherian local ring and is a regular sequence, then:

( is the dimension of .)

  • For a regular ring local with maximal ideal and is equivalent:
is part of a regular parameter system
(modulo ) is a linearly independent subset of the vector space over the body .

In particular, a minimal generating system of is a regular sequence.

  • Conversely, if a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal , which is generated by a regular sequence of length , then is regular and .
  • General: If a Noetherian local ring and a regular sequence, then every permutation of the sequence is regular. (This does not apply to any Noetherian rings.)


  • In the polynomial ring over a body , every sequence of the variables is a regular sequence.
  • The local ring body corresponds geometrically to the intersection of two affine surfaces in four-dimensional space. The ring is two-dimensional, but regular sequences have the length 1, since the ring only contains zero divisors and units modulo a non-zero divisor that is not a unit. In particular, this ring is not a Cohen-Macaulay ring.
