Rubbing stone

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Rubbing stone with rod ink and water container
Elaborately designed friction stone

The rubbing stone ( Chinese    /  , Pinyin yàn , Japanese. , suzuri , Kor. 벼루 , byeoru ) is one of the four treasures of the scholar's room in traditional China . It is a flat, stone object with a recess for water and a surface for rubbing the ink.


Chinese rod ink is pressed into oblong pencils. These pens are rubbed with water on the rubbing stone until the desired level of intensity is reached. The surface of the stone must be fine so that the ink is not rubbed too coarsely and the brush bristles are not damaged. In earlier times, scholars engraved poems or their names on rubstones in order to pass them on as decorative collectibles or souvenirs.

See also

Web links

Commons : Rubstones  - Collection of images, videos and audio files