Reich clothing card

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Reich clothing card P (olen)
Rejection letter 1942

The Reich clothing card was the time of World War II common in Germany warrant for the purchase of textiles. The card was introduced by Hans Kehrl on November 14, 1939 and followed the food stamps introduced shortly before as part of the war economy . From February 6, 1940, Jews were excluded from access. Textiles such as socks, sweaters, dresses, etc. were rationed. 100 points were credited to the card with which consumers could purchase the above-mentioned textiles. For example, socks cost 4 points, sweaters 25 and a new dress 45.


  • Heinrich Heribert: The likely consumer choice in the 4th Reich clothing card for women . Gehle publishing house, Münster, 1943.
  • Table of purchase of textile goods with Reich clothing card, with purchase slip, without purchase restrictions: according to the Textile Goods Ordinance of January 14, 1939 (RGBl. I, p. 2196) and the notice of execution by the Reich Commissioner for Clothing and Related Areas of November 15, 1939 ( Reichsanzeiger No. 269) / 1940.
  • Friedemann Needy : Lexicon Third Reich . Munich, Zurich. Piper Verlag, 1997. ISBN 3-492-22369-9 .
  • Roßmann, Rolf: Rationing shortly after the start of the war: "Reichskleidkarte" was valid for one year. - in: Schweriner Volkszeitung, Vol. 59 (2004), 113, p. 20.

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Commons : Reichskleidarte  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files