Friedemann in need

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Friedemann Bedürftig (* December 12, 1940 in Breslau ; † November 30, 2010 in Hamburg-Rissen ) was a German journalist and author who mainly wrote historical non-fiction books.


Needlessly studied history and German at the University of Tübingen . He then worked as a dictionary editor for the Bibliographical Institute , as a publisher's editor at Rowohlt and as a journalist for the Jahr Verlag . From 1981 he lived as a freelance author in Hamburg . Among other things, he wrote for ZEIT and the Süddeutsche Zeitung .

As a book author, Benürftig had a wide range of topics. Among other things, he published the "Great Lexicon of the Third Reich" (as editor with Christian Zentner ) and the "Pocket Lexicon Germany after 1945" as well as biographies of people from contemporary history such as Otto von Bismarck or Adolf Hitler , but also, for example, the "History of the Pharmacy" and a volume on the “royal and princely houses of Europe”. He also wrote the texts for a comic biography of Adolf Hitler. He also worked as a ghostwriter . Walter Görlitz collaborated on needy Prussian reading book (1981) .

Friedemann Needy succumbed to cancer a few days before his 70th birthday in a Hamburg palliative center .

Publications (selection)

such as

  • Ploetz - The German Democratic Republic - data, facts, analyzes. Edited by Alexander Fischer (1987), updated by Friedemann Bedürftig. Licensed edition, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-89836-347-3

Web links