Reich Epidemic Law

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The Reich Epidemic Act (RSeuchG) concerning the fight against diseases that are dangerous to the public was a law passed by Wilhelm II on June 30, 1900 to protect against epidemics . The provisions contained therein applied in particular to dealing with leprosy , cholera , typhus , yellow fever , plague and smallpox . The work of Robert Koch contributed significantly to its creation . Due to the Reich Epidemic Act, the Reich Health Council was founded, which is the Imperial Health Office supported.

On October 6, the implementing provisions for combating the diseases dealt with in the Reich Epidemic Act were subsequently issued.

On January 1, 1962, the Reich Disease Act was replaced by the Federal Disease Act.


  • Bärbel-Jutta Hess: Disease legislation in the German states and in the German Empire from the late 18th century to the Reich Disease Act 1900. Heidelberg , Univ.-Diss. 2009, p. 292 ff .: The parliamentary route to the law regarding the fight against diseases that are dangerous to the public (Reich Epidemic Law) of June 30, 1900. ( full text online )

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Individual evidence

  1. RGBl. 1900 p. 306