Recurrent tensor

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Recurrent tensors or recurrent tensor fields are used in the mathematical field of differential geometry .


In differential geometry, a recurrent tensor is defined as follows: Let a connection on a manifold M . A tensor  A (in the sense of a tensor field ) is called recurrent with respect to the relationship if there is a one-form on M such that  



Parallel tensors

Examples of recurrent tensors are parallel tensors with regard to a relationship ( ).

An example of a parallel tensor is a (semi-) Riemannian metric with regard to its Levi-Civita relationship . So let M be a manifold with metric g , then the Levi-Civita connection is defined by the metric and it follows from the definition


Another example are recurrent vector fields , where in special cases parallel vector fields can be derived from recurrent vector fields. For this, let a semiriemannian manifold and a recurent vector field with


so it follows from ( closed) that it can be rescaled to a parallel vector field. In particular, each vector field with a non-vanishing length can be rescaled into a parallel vector field. Non-parallel recurrent vector fields are therefore in particular light-like .

Metric space

Another example of a recurrent tensor appears in connection with Weyl structures . Historically, the Weyl structure emerged from Hermann Weyl's considerations on the properties of parallel displacement of vectors and their length. The requirement to be able to describe a variety locally affine, a condition is created to the connected with the affine parallel shift relation . It must be torsion-free :


For the additional parallel shift of the metric, he demanded as a special property that, although not the length, but the length ratio of parallel shifted vector fields should be retained. The relationship defined in this way then fulfills the property

for a one-shape . In particular, the metric is therefore a recurrent tensor with respect to . Weyl now called the resulting manifold with affine connection and recurrent metric g metric space. Strictly speaking, Weyl was not only looking at a metric, but the conformal structure over g . This can be motivated as follows:

Under a conformal change , the form transforms , thereby inducing a mapping onto the manifold with conformal structure . To do this, you fix and and define:


thus fulfills the conditions of a Weyl structure:



Individual evidence

  1. Alekseevsky, Baum (2008)
  2. Weyl (1918)
  3. ^ Folland (1970)