UN Security Council Resolution 1896

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UN Security
Council Resolution 1896
Date: November 30, 2009
Meeting: 6225
Identifier: S / RES / 1896 ( document )

Poll: Pro: 15  Ent. : 0  Cons: 0
Object: Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Result: Accepted

Composition of the Security Council 2009:
Permanent members:

China People's RepublicPeople's Republic of China CHN FRA GBR RUS USAFranceFrance  United KingdomUnited Kingdom  RussiaRussia  United StatesUnited States 

Non-permanent members:
AustriaAustria AUT BFA CRI HRV JPNBurkina FasoBurkina Faso  Costa RicaCosta Rica  CroatiaCroatia  JapanJapan 
Political system of the Libyan Arab JamahiriyaPolitical system of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LBY MEX TUR UGA VNMMexicoMexico  TurkeyTurkey  UgandaUganda  VietnamVietnam 

The Resolution 1896 of the UN Security Council is a resolution on the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo , which the United Nations Security Council has adopted unanimously at its 6225th meeting on November 30 in 2009. With the resolution, the body decided on the extension of the embargo on arms as well as the travel ban and the freezing of assets of people who violate this arms embargo. The embargo does not include regular army units and the state police.

The United Nations had in 2003, the embargo with the Resolution 1493 (2003) adopted and subsequently the sanctions by resolutions 1596 (2005) , 1698 (2006) , 1771 (2007) , 1807 (2008) and 1857 (2008) each to extended one year.

Content of the resolution

The Security Council invoked its previous resolutions on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in particular resolutions 1804 (2008) and 1857 (2008) , 1807 (2008) and 1857 (2008), and stressed that the presence of armed rioters in the east of the Landes, especially in the provinces of North Kivu , Sud-Kivu , Ituri and Orientale, a climate of insecurity is created for the entire region. He therefore demanded that these armed groups lay down their weapons immediately and that especially the Forces Démocratiques de la Liberation du Rwanda (FDLR) and the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) stop their attacks on civilians .

The panel expressed its concern that the conflicting parties operating in the east of the country were receiving outside support and welcomed the willingness of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other states in the African Great Lakes region to end the support of the irregulars in their areas. The Security Council expressed serious concern about the human rights violations of civilians in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, highlighting in particular the recruitment of child soldiers , the killing and displacement of civilians and sexual violence against women . He stressed that the perpetrators must be held accountable. The resolution also refers to the protection of United Nations personnel .

The United Nations condemned the flow of arms into the region, violating Resolutions 1533 (2004) , Resolutions 1807 (2008) (2008) and Resolutions 1857 (2008) . They found that it is the combination of illegal mining and smuggling of weapons that is fueling and widening the conflict in the African Great Lakes region. The Security Council therefore came to the conclusion that the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo posed a threat to international peace and security in the region.

Under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Security Council extended the arms embargo until November 30, 2010 and renewed the travel ban for and the confiscation of assets of those who violate this arms embargo. At the same time, he extended the mandate of the expert group to the examination of minerals, their transport and further processing and instructed that the focus should be on the affected provinces in the east of the country. He asked the member states, the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Mission de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo to cooperate fully with the expert group.

The Security Council also called on all states to ensure that importers, processors and traders of mineral raw materials from the Democratic Republic of the Congo check the origin of these raw materials and take measures to prevent the smuggling of illegal raw materials and thus indirectly support the armed forces Prevent groups in the east of the country. He also recommended the regular publication of import and export statistics for gold , cassiterite , coltan and wolframite .

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